Monday, January 10, 2005


So I surf on over to avatar land and read this article which brings up the question: what does the term PDA actually define?

Now for me when I hear a guy say that he doesn't like PDA's I automatically decide not to see him again (in a dating fashion at any rate). I love PDA's. But then again I define PDA's as holding hands, linking arms, and if I'm sick or tired then yes I definately reserve the right to give you a hug while leaning all over you. If we are in line somewhere expect this to last the entire time we are in line. Kissing I like too, as long as it is a quick peck on the lips, forehead or cheek. I am all about being affectionate and I know for a fact that I do not pair well with people who aren't.

Reading this article, and the one that she linked to brings up a whole new set of questions though. Is PDA tongueing and groping in public? That's disgusting and so friggin high school that I just want to throw up. I work at a bank downtown and in the elevator one day I had to ride three floors with a couple that were practically having sex. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my whole life. When a guy tells me he doesn't like PDA's does he really mean I don't want to have sex with you in public? When I say that I like PDA's am I really saying that I'm a tactless slut?

Att: non-bloggers, rant here! |

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