Tuesday, February 08, 2005

In answer to the much asked question: Why am I single?

The answer is simple. 99 percent of men are fucking losers and simply put, not good enough for me. I mean, look at me. I’m fabulous.

The other 1 percent are married, half of which are losers as well.

If you have found, and are married to, that .5 percent of men then I congratulate you. Bitch.

To illustrate my point let me provide some examples:

There was the guy who had a girlfriend. But hey, he was willing to trade up for me! Hooray! Freak.

Then there was the guy who wanted to jump off a cliff and kill himself. Seriously. Shit it’s just Starbucks. Calm the fuck down.

Oh wait, am I forgetting to tell you about the rich kid who almost killed himself doing drugs and lost his wife in the process? He was a year into sobriety by the time I met him and only dating Hispanic and/or Asian women because they were so much “warmer” than Caucasian women. Retard. I asked him if he was looking for a mother and he told me to grow up. It might be fair to say we were equally unimpressed. Me with his inability to wipe his own ass, him with my possession of something called a backbone.

I did like A. He was intelligent, educated, sarcastic… but also depressed as hell. He kept quoting Ayn Rand and searching for the meaning of life. First of all, I took ANCIENT philosophy, second, cheer up man!

X was just plain stupid. Stupid as in, “I am so smart. S – M – R – T … I mean…”. I told him all I wanted in life was to get married and have babies. LOTS OF THEM! He said, “maybe that’s what I want too”. Not quite the response I had envisioned. I screamed and ran away like the commitment phobe I am.

So I have come to the inevitable conclusion. Like renegade T-Cells, men’s penises are eating their brain.

If you are a man, good luck with that.

Att: non-bloggers, rant here! |

5 Judgements:

Blogger Dane said...

You're right 99 per cent of men are losers. I myself am a loser.

Yes, yes I am. I've never been anything but. I'm the 25-year-old that still loves cartoons, comics and bowling. I have a 219 top score in ten pin and a 231 in five pin.

I'm thinking of the wrong kind of loser aren't I? Jimminity jillickers.

I'm sure you'll find someone soon. The world doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Kitten said...

Well, it seems the answer to all your problems is to become a teacher.



8:00 AM  
Blogger Deodand said...

Hi, I surfed on over from overworked & underf*cked...I think a lot of decent men come off as assholes because they don't know how to manage their emotions. What's going on inside is not what is showing on the surface, so you have to kinda guess what's really going on.

That said, there is absolutely NO substitute for a good fit in a relationship. It's better that you separate the wheat from the chaff than it is to stay with someone who doesn't live up to your standards.

9:10 AM  
Blogger TerraT said...

Dane: I did not originally include Canadians into my theory. Mostly because I am already pissed off at you guys for being funnier, than me. Bastards! Furthermore, other than random TV stars that I have never met, I have no idea what Canadians are like.

DJ: I don't know what is wrong with you. Unfortunately my power to detect flaws only works in person. For a diagnosis please cough up some free booze. That is my standard fee. Oh hey, where the hell have you been anyway?

Building: You are also Canadian. I hate you. BTW, those are some pretty sick links! What the hell is wrong with those women? I didn't like 13 year old boys when I WAS 13. Plus those women are hot! You'd think they could snag someone at least 16.

Deodand: Absolutely agree. I have always said that rather than settle I will simply become a cat lady... they talk back less. Which makes it very difficult for them to testify against me.

1:49 PM  
Blogger TerraT said...

Chris.. I think my feelings are hurt! You would deliberately buy me a JnC knowing it would make me sick?

Well... might have to rethink hanging out.

9:16 PM  

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