Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Merry F*N Christmas!!


Not that I'm mad that Jesus was born... but I HATE the malls! HATE HATE HATE! It's not that I'm wondering when Christmas became so commercialized, it's that I'm wondering when I became against it.

Stupid gift exchange.

Let me explain. This year I have done the majority of my shopping online. Thank you Amazon, thank you Overstock! I hardly ever go to the mall anymore. Mostly I research whatever I want online, decide what the best product is, and then and only then, if a nearby retail chain has the best price will I venture anywhere near a shopping center. Lot's of people in tiny spaces make me go postal. This is why I can't have a pistol... my aim is too good.

So I go to Westgate Shopping Center last night to pick up a gift for todays gift exchange. It's a shopping CENTER. This is less terrifying to me. An hour into shopping I decide to cross everyone off my list. Screw this, they get squat. They'll probably like it better than whatever crappy bath set I decide is the least horrifying anyway. Seriously, everything I saw was crap. I would be better off rolling down my car window and throwing my wallet out. So I went to Burlington and bought shoes. This only made me feel slightly better. Mostly because Burlington had run out of shopping carts so I was only able to carry two pairs of boots up to the counter... I wanted three. Stupid Burlington.

THEN I had to walk all the way over to Hallmark to buy a gift bag. At the cash register the clerk asked me if I was interested in any "special" items. I told her unless these "special" items transported me through space and time so that not only could I be home but Christmas could be over, I was not interested. Some lady behind me started laughing so hard she almost choked. I wish I had choked. Then I could be in the hospital and have a really good excuse for not buying anything. Lucky bitch.

What's wierd is that I usually love Christmas, and this year living with Tracie it's really not lonely anymore. I have someone to decorate the tree with! YAY for me! But I'm so damn busy. I have three papers to write for school, one book left to read (also for school), I just got a freelance gig creating this guys website (YAY), I have to get my senior project started AND finished, I've got about four 10 page papers to write in the next couple of months, I should start work at the bar beginning of next year, and I need to pick up a couple of classes for the extra credits I need to graduate in April. F*CK! And it's not like I don't work full time. So... I'm busy. I'm tired. And yesterday I started hallucinating while trying to do my homework. You know, when you're just about to fall asleep you start to sort of half dream, half hallucinate. Well I was sitting up, and trying to write a paper. Not good.

I think that what I'm going to do this year is tell everyone what expensive gifts I got for them (so that they get me good stuff), and then get them all really big boxes wrapped beautifully and filled with... sand. Hah Hah! I'll make out like a bandit. I'll probably get screwed next year, but that gives me a whole twelve months to pick up a new circle of friends that don't know what I did to the old set. Perfect.

Att: non-bloggers, rant here! |

5 Judgements:

Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Dude, I just got back from the mall. (Oakridge, not Westgate) I hate malls too. (and incidentally, I'm mad that jesus was born)

8:09 PM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Note: New set of friends should also not have access to your blog.

10:32 PM  
Blogger TerraT said...

You know what the really great thing about Oakridge is? Valet parking. Oh, and The Cheesecake Factory. That's always nice.

You know, I'm kinda mad at Jesus for being born too. At least so close to finals. You'd think he'd be a little more considerate.

Note: New friends will have a fake blog address where I only write cute happy fuzzy thoughts. AKA: Lies.

1:32 AM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

That is hilarious because I totally have a separate blog for my family to read. It is all about how I decorated the house for Christmas and took the boy dog to the vet.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Sneaky, sneaky girls!

4:24 PM  

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